Supporting In Sue’s Name

Cancer Care Trust are supporting the important work that In Sue’s Name are doing and have recently made a donation to the charity.

We are so glad we could do our part to enable them to continue to fund the research that could save so many, allowing them to move forward with new projects.

Here is what David, Sue’s father and founder of In Sue’s Name had to say:

” Thanks so much for your every generous donation to our charity In Sues Name. This will be of great assistance to us in our sponsorship of a young Greek student Myrianni who is doing her PhD at the Blizard Institute in Whitechapel, where she is working on a project for Gene Immunology. Your donation will pay for 24 hours of her salary.

We set up our charity in memory of our beautiful daughter Sue, who died after a short six week illness on the 8th January 2011 aged 42 leaving 2 young children. At the time of Sues death there were 2 other young people from our church in the same hospital, Anthony died 5 months after Sue aged 34 and Jackie had 2 years remission and then died at the same age as Sue 42.
When I researched the disease I found that more people under the age of 40 died from Brain Tumors, than any other type of Cancer but it got less then 1% of the Research funding available. We decided to join with Brain Tumor Research, an umbrella group of 24 charities all working together on different aspects of this terrible disease and we chose the Blizard Institute because it was in London where we are based and because they are researching the Glioblastoma that killed our beautiful daughter Sue.
Sue had done 5 Race for Life Runs and a Sky Dive for Cancer Research UK, and after spending 3 years grieving, I decided with friends from the Church to set up our charity with the following 3 aims
1. To create awareness of a disease which kills so many young people.
2. To raise funds for Research into Glioblastoma. We have now raised nearly £470k towards our £1million target
£. To help families who have suffered  similar loss to our family.
At least once a year, we take families up to the Blizard Institute, where they they can meet other families who have suffered similar losses. They then get a tour of the Laboratories , an address from the Director Professor Silvia on the research they are working on and then they meet Myrianni our student, we are sponsoring.
Finally they finish at the Wall of Hope, which is a magnetic board where they can place a tile , which has the name of their loved one, DOB and DOD, which stays there for 5 years.
This helps to give them some form of closure and to help them understand that they are not alone.
God Bless
David “
You can learn more about In Sue’s Name here
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